

Please find below the list of labels attending this cooperation to promote, exploit and to protect the specialized dance music and helping to make the music accessible for the next generation of dancers.


Label Name: Casa musica
Licenced through: Casa musica
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica
 Casa musica

Label Name: Casaphon
Licenced through: Casa musica
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica

Label Name: Dancehouse
Licenced through: Casa musica
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica

Label Name: Dance Sport Records
Licenced through: Casa musica
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica
Dance Sport Records

Label Name: Dance & Listen
Licenced through: Dancelife Music
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica
Dance & Listen

Label Name: Dancelife Music
Licenced through: Dancelife Music
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica
Dancelife Music

Label Name: NDMI
Licenced through: Casa musica
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica

Label Name: Prandi Sound Records
Licenced through: Casa musica
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica
Prandi Sound Records

Label Name: Tanzorchester Klaus Hallen
Licenced through: Dancelife / Pro Media
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica
Tanzorchester Klaus Hallen

Label Name: Step in Time Records
Licenced through: Dancelife Music
Digital distribution: The Source
Physical distribution: Casa musica

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